Jaunumu raksti
6. Feb
Informācija par World Master Games
Dear Athletes, Officials and Delegates of National/Regional Member Bodies, We are delighted to let you know DanceSport Latin and Standard disciplines have been included in 2025 World Master Games, and it will be held in Taipei City on 27~29th May 2025. World Master Games is a sport games for sports enthusiasts from all over the world, combining culture, city sightseeing and international exchanges, it not only promotes the concepts of "sports for all" and "life-long sports", but also hopes that...
13. Jan
Informācija Latvijas WDSF PD tiesnešiem
Tiem WDSF PD "A" tiesnešiem, kuriem ir arī AJS, par PD licenci atsevišķi NAV jāmaksā! Ja arī esat to izdarījuši, WDSF pieļautās tehniskās kļūdas dēļ ( atsūtot aicinājumu samaksāt par PD licenci), nauda tiks atgriezta.
16. Jan
Jaunumi no WADA
IMPORTANT NOTICE: UPDATED WADA PROHIBITED LIST EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2024 15 th of January 2024 We wanted to bring to your attention a crucial update regarding the World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) Prohibited List, which came into effect on January 1, 2024.One significant change in the updated list is the inclusion of Tramadol as a prohibited substance during competitions. As part of our commitment to fair play and anti-doping regulations, we strongly encourage you to carefully review...
26. Oct
Atkārtots aicinājums!
Cienījamie kolēģi!!!Lūgums DARBA JAUTĀJUMOS kontaktēties ar LSDF Prezidentu un Ģenerālsekretāru ar e pasta palīdzību.Whatsapp, Messenger utt. atstāsim privātai komunikācijai:)Cieņā,Juris ArājsLSDF Ģenerālsekretārs
9. Oct
Ieteikumi sporta organizācijām efektīvai iesaistei antidopinga profilaksē: https://www.antidopings.gov.lv/lv/noderigi-sporta-organizacijam Materiāls veselības aprūpes speciālistiem - Pacients sportists: https://www.antidopings.gov.lv/lv/pacients-sportists Ceļvedis vecākiem un treneriem, lai veicinātu Patiesu Sportu: https://www.antidopings.gov.lv/lv/patiess-sports
27. Feb